Recipes for a New Normal


We teamed up with the fine folks at Community Alliance for Global Justice to release this beautiful, full-color compilation of art, recipes, and stories from contributors all over the world.

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Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for a New Normal features art, stories, and recipes from over 30 contributors. Explore illustrations, personal narratives and poems from Indigenous Alaska, Punjab, Puerto Rico, and the Pacific Northwest. Enjoy comic strips, block prints, and instructions for creating a fortune teller. Savor recipes for tea, truffles, soups, salmon, lumpia and more. 

These illuminating pieces stitch together food justice narratives that offer insights into the challenges of 2020. The murder of George Floyd galvanized us, while the global Covid pandemic, ongoing climate crises, and intense election season forced us into a new normal of chaos and uncertainty. By centering (re)connection with land, culture, and community, we invite a vibrant vision for working together to build a more just and generative world with food sovereignty for all.


Community Alliance for Global Justice (CAGJ) is a grassroots organization in Seattle working to strengthen the global food sovereignty movement through community education and mobilization. Through popular education, direct action, and anti-oppressive organizing and community building, CAGJ seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives.